Willowbrook Leagues
Check out our 2025 Leagues
Friday Morning
18 Holes Senior League
Start / End Date:
May 2nd - October 10th
Mix of golf games:
- Stableford points
- best 1 out of 2
- Shamble
Weekly format:
- 8am shotgun
- Greens Fee: senior fees applied
- Will play all three courses
Entry Fee: $75
- Includes mid summer luncheon and end of the season buffet
- Covers meal and leagues administration fee​
-Every week is its own individual event, you don't have to play every Friday$5 each week to play in the individual game
Questions or Registration
contact the Pro Shop
Monday Night
9 Hole couples league
Start / End Date:
Early May - Late August
What is it?
- 9 holes every Monday night
- First 2-3 weeks just regular 9 holes of golf
- Fun and friendly competitive games begin after the first few weeks
- Some games include alternate shot and scramble
Weekly format:
- Tee off between 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
- Greens fee: League rates for riding and walking applied
- Alternating the three different courses each month
Entry Fee: $75 per couple
-Covers two meals and leagues administration fee
The league is run by Evelynn Hughes, for additional information call (716) 345-5532
Tuesday Night
9 hole willowbrook league
Start / End Date:
April 29th - August 26th
What is it?
Our Tuesday night golf league offers a fun and competitive environment where players form
two-person teams to compete in a scramble format against another two-person team. With 9
different flights based on average scores, players are placed in a flight that suits their skill level,
ensuring balanced and exciting competition for everyone involved.
Weekly format:
- Tee off between 3:30pm - 5:45pm
- Greens fee: League rates for riding and walking applied
- Each week you and the other team your playing decide between one of the three
Entry Fee: $250 per team $125 per player
-Includes midsummer dinner and end of the season dinner
-One free drink after golf every Tuesday at the Brook restaurant
-Covers meal and leagues administration fee
The league is run by Willowbrook, for additional information call the Proshop (716) 434-0111
coming soon
More league information coming soon